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Giorgos Katsouras, Michael Chalaris, Nikos Tsalas, Alekos Dosis, Stelios Samios, Efthymios Lytras, Kostas Papadopoulos and Antigoni Synodinou, “Integrated ecosystem ecology (Chlorophyll-a) of EYDAP's Reservoirs profiles by using robotic boats”, In Proceedings of the 5th International Conference ‘Water Resources and Wetlands’, eds: P. Gâştescu and P. Bretcan, Tulcea, Romania, 08-12 September 2021. Romania: Romanian Limnogeographical Association, ISSN: 2285-7923, pp. 202-210
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Nikos Tsalas, Giorgos Katsouras, Michalis Chalaris, Stelios Samios, Efthymios Lytras, Kostas Papadopoulos, Nikos Kouris, Simos Malamis, Costas Noutsopoulos, Danos Mamais, Andreas Andreadakis. Novel Systems for Detection and Monitoring of Dangerous Substances in Water Environmental Sensitive Areas
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