DS CIC - Downstream Solutions Limited (Downstreams) is a not for profit social enterprise that uses stakeholder engagement expertise and innovative approaches to help build connections between businesses, people and organisations who want to make positive change and build communities along a river. Communities can be affected by flooding, environmental pollution & biodiversity issues from their river. These communities are rarely aware of or connected to the sources of these problems, which may be some distance away from their impact. People and organisations who want to make a difference and improve the situation often don’t know who can help, how, and where to focus their efforts. Downstreams' aim is to alleviate these problems by joining together individuals & businesses along the river both socially & financially, to look after their river and really make a difference. Downstreams is currently providing the following services:

  • Innovation and business development support to UK catchment partnerships
  • Social Media development services that join up local projects & activity within a catchment
  • Mentoring and support in shaping and incubating integrated catchment solutions
  • Downstreams is currently developing the following additional services to fully realise its business model:
  • A websiteproviding social technology that connects supporters with projects so that they know they are making a difference. This will work on the web, tablets and mobile phones
  • Online visualisation mapping showing ‘solution’ activities and projects
  • Online mapping showing catchment problems

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 689341

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