AGS - Azienda Gardesana Servizi SpA (AGS) is a publicly-owned water utility which shares are owned by the following municipalities of the east Lake Garda catchment: Affi, Bardolino, Brentino Belluno, Brenzone, Caprino Veronese, Castelnuovo del Garda, Cavaion Veronese, Costermano, Dolcè, Ferrara of Monte Baldo, Garda, Lazise, Malcesine, Pastrengo, Peschiera del Garda , Rivoli Veronese, Sant'Ambrogio di Valpolicella, San Zeno di Montagna, Torri del Benaco and Valeggio. The mission of the water utility is the management of the full integrated water cycle, from the production and distribution of drinking water to the collection and treatment of municipal wastewater, including stormwater runoff collected in municipal combined sewers systems. During winter AGS serves about 107,000 inhabitants living in the east Lake Garda area, while in tourist season this number can easily double. AGS also holds 50% shares of the public-owned water utility Depurazioni Benacensi Scarl which owns and operates the sewage treatment plant of Peschiera del Garda which has treatment capacity of 330,000 PE. Within the management of municipal wastewater and stormwater runoff AGS is managing 11 combined sewers overflows discharging in the Lake Garda. The current combined sewer system was built over 30 years ago and is crucial for the catchment management. AGS is responsible for the design, future construction and operation of the sewer system which represent a large water infrastructure with total cost higher than 200 million euros.

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This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 689341

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